Q1. What is radioactivity ? Explain natural and artificial radioactivity. 2
Q2. Describe the construction of Aston's mass spectrograph with necessary theory and show how it can be
used in detection of isotropes. 2
Q3. What do you mean by nuclear reactor? Give the sketch of it. What is the function of control rod ? Write two factors which should be considered while selecting the site for nuclear reactor. 7
Q4. Write a short note on the structure of atomic nuclei(any four properties). Assuming that protons and neutrons possess equal masses, calculate how many times nuclear matter is denses than water if nuclear redius is given by 1.2 * 10^-15 A m where A is the mass number.
Q1. Write one difference between a hologram and an ordinary photograph. 2
Q2. Explain the terms : (i)Stimulated Emission (ii)Population Inversion (iii)Metastable state. 7
Q3. Give the principle of propagation of light through optical fiber. Derive an expression for acceptance angle. 7
Q4. (i) A step index fiber is made with a core of index 1.52, a diameter of 29 μm and a fractional index difference of 0.0007. It is operated at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. Find V-number.
Q4. (ii) An optical filter has a line width of 1.5nm and a mean wavelength 550 nm.
With white light incident on the filter calculate coherence length and number of wavelengths in the wave tram.
Q1. What are crystalline and amorphous solids ? 2
Q2. Define unit cell. Express coordination number and atomic packing densities for Simple Cubic Crystal(SCC), Face Centred Cubic Crystal(FCC), and Body Centred Cubic Crystal(BCC). 7
Q3. Define energy levels and energy bands. Explain with proper diagram, how on the basis of band theory, solids are classified as conductors, insulators and semiconductors ? 7
Q4. (i) Find the mobility of electrons in copper assuming that each atom contributes one free electron for conductor. Resistivity of Cu= 1.7 * 10^-6 ohm-cm, atomic wt. = 63.54, density = 8.96 gm/cc. 7.
(ii) Lead is a face centred cubic with an atomic radius 1.746A. Find spacing for 220 planes.
Q1. Define Hall effect. 2
Q2. Draw a neat and labelled energy diagram of P-N junction at equilibrium. Derive the built in potential barrier:
V = Vln ND
Q3. What is superconductivity ? Explain Meissner effect. Derive Type - I and Type -II superconductors.
Q4. (i) Calculate the value of Hall angle'0' for a semiconductor on the basis of the following data :
Rh = 3.66*10^-4m3/C (Hall coefficient resistivity)
p = 8.33* 10^-3 ohm-m Bz=0.5 wb/m2(magnetic field)
(ii). In a transistor of common base connection current amplification factor is 0.9. If the emitter current is 1mA, determine the value of base current
Q1. Write one difference between polar and non-polar dielectrics. 2
Q2. What do you understand by dielectric constant ? Define dielectric susceptibility. Derive a relation between dielectric constant Er and dielectirc susceptibility.
Q3. What are hard and soft magnetic materials ? Indicate the properties sough in each case. Give their application.
Q4. There are 10^27 HCI molecule per cubic meter in a vapour. Determine the orientation polarization at room temperature i.e. 27 C. If vapour is subjected to an electric field of 10^6 V/m The permanent dipole moment of HCI molecule being 1.04 bye unit show that at this temperature and for such a high field the value of alph= μE is very much less than unity debye unit =3.33*10^-30Cm.
Q1. What is radioactivity ? Explain natural and artificial radioactivity. 2
Q2. Describe the construction of Aston's mass spectrograph with necessary theory and show how it can be
used in detection of isotropes. 2
Q3. What do you mean by nuclear reactor? Give the sketch of it. What is the function of control rod ? Write two factors which should be considered while selecting the site for nuclear reactor. 7
Q4. Write a short note on the structure of atomic nuclei(any four properties). Assuming that protons and neutrons possess equal masses, calculate how many times nuclear matter is denses than water if nuclear redius is given by 1.2 * 10^-15 A m where A is the mass number.
Q1. Write one difference between a hologram and an ordinary photograph. 2
Q2. Explain the terms : (i)Stimulated Emission (ii)Population Inversion (iii)Metastable state. 7
Q3. Give the principle of propagation of light through optical fiber. Derive an expression for acceptance angle. 7
Q4. (i) A step index fiber is made with a core of index 1.52, a diameter of 29 μm and a fractional index difference of 0.0007. It is operated at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. Find V-number.
Q4. (ii) An optical filter has a line width of 1.5nm and a mean wavelength 550 nm.
With white light incident on the filter calculate coherence length and number of wavelengths in the wave tram.
Q1. What are crystalline and amorphous solids ? 2
Q2. Define unit cell. Express coordination number and atomic packing densities for Simple Cubic Crystal(SCC), Face Centred Cubic Crystal(FCC), and Body Centred Cubic Crystal(BCC). 7
Q3. Define energy levels and energy bands. Explain with proper diagram, how on the basis of band theory, solids are classified as conductors, insulators and semiconductors ? 7
Q4. (i) Find the mobility of electrons in copper assuming that each atom contributes one free electron for conductor. Resistivity of Cu= 1.7 * 10^-6 ohm-cm, atomic wt. = 63.54, density = 8.96 gm/cc. 7.
(ii) Lead is a face centred cubic with an atomic radius 1.746A. Find spacing for 220 planes.
Q1. Define Hall effect. 2
Q2. Draw a neat and labelled energy diagram of P-N junction at equilibrium. Derive the built in potential barrier:
V = Vln ND
Q3. What is superconductivity ? Explain Meissner effect. Derive Type - I and Type -II superconductors.
Q4. (i) Calculate the value of Hall angle
Rh = 3.66*10^-4m3/C (Hall coefficient resistivity)
p = 8.33* 10^-3 ohm-m Bz=0.5 wb/m2(magnetic field)
(ii). In a transistor of common base connection current amplification factor is 0.9. If the emitter current is 1mA, determine the value of base current
Q1. Write one difference between polar and non-polar dielectrics. 2
Q2. What do you understand by dielectric constant ? Define dielectric susceptibility. Derive a relation between dielectric constant Er and dielectirc susceptibility.
Q3. What are hard and soft magnetic materials ? Indicate the properties sough in each case. Give their application.
Q4. There are 10^27 HCI molecule per cubic meter in a vapour. Determine the orientation polarization at room temperature i.e. 27 C. If vapour is subjected to an electric field of 10^6 V/m The permanent dipole moment of HCI molecule being 1.04 bye unit show that at this temperature and for such a high field the value of alph= μE is very much less than unity debye unit =3.33*10^-30Cm.
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